Archive for the Uncategorized Category

It’s come to this…

Posted in Uncategorized on June 20, 2015 by johnmwilliams

And make no mistake, this is a new standard for “racist” that the left has to stoop to to have any hope of keeping black America under their thumb…

The New Face of the Texas Democratic Party

Posted in Uncategorized on August 18, 2014 by johnmwilliams

 How stupid is it to indict one of the most successful governors in the history of the State of Texas because he refused to give taxpayer dollars to a drunkard who’s supposed to ensure “public integrity”–

Rosemary Lemhberg 


For all you liberals who think the GOP is primed to impeach Obama,

Posted in Uncategorized on July 26, 2014 by johnmwilliams

and have emptied your bank accounts to help him fend off those “radical conservatives/Tea Partiers/etc”, I have but one word….


Sorry for my extended absence…

Posted in Uncategorized on July 28, 2013 by johnmwilliams

Not a good way to maintain a readership, I know. Here’s a short post I wrote today:

The press has lost all credibility with most Americans when it comes to political reporting and politically motivated issues like global warming. The problem for Democrats is that their narrative is falling apart. The Republicans they (and the press) scream about nobody knows. OTOH, the liberals we scream about, EVERYBODY knows, because theirs is a formulaic, contrived ideology based on a bunch of canards that just aren’t true and would drive any of us nuts if we thought they were true, too. I couldn’t stand to live in a country that was racist at its core. Nor could I live in a country I thought didn’t appreciate women. Or one in which I didn’t think people didn’t have equal opportunity. Yet this is the America they see.


Posted in Uncategorized on August 20, 2012 by johnmwilliams

Obama hates Romney

Posted in Uncategorized on August 7, 2012 by johnmwilliams

Viscerally, some say.  I reference this ebook review from Politico:


Some say that Obama hates Romney because he represents everything Obama doesn’t–and that’s true to a certain extent, politically.  But Obama disagrees with lots of people politically, and I don’t see the same level of hatred directed toward them.  Others say that Romney is hated because he poses a genuine threat to Obama’s power, and that could definitely be a part of the reason.  However, I think a substantial part of Obama’s disdain for Romney emanates from this–Romney is everything Obama wishes he was and tries to project as being.  The problem for Obama is that Romney is the successful, the religious, the family man that Obama tries to project.  But when confronted with the genuine article, rhetoric is no longer sufficient to maintain the facade.  It quickly becomes evident who lives the life, who walks the talk, and who is relying on pretty pictures and nice words.

I think this is another reason the press is scared to death to give Romney any face time or ink–they know their guy is doomed the minute America sees the real Romney.  So they filter his trips overseas, declaring them gaffe-filled and embarrassing (with nothing but their narrative to support the allegations), and hope that enough Americans will have tuned Romney out by the time the convention rolls around and his true competence and practical persona will only be viewed by a small minority.  It’s wishful thinking on their part–no American who cares about this country and has any awareness of where Obama’s taken us will tune out ANY option to Obama without some heavily documented and footnoted evidence.  But they’ll continue the charade to the end, using heavily weighted polls (most over-sampling Democrats by 10% or more), filtered speeches, and Romney quotes out of context to try to convince America to bet on Obama–an abject failure–for four more years.

There is a silver lining here, in my opinion–by the time the election rolls around, those Americans who have held out and still believe the press to be objective will finally see what a mouthpiece it has become for the Democratic Party and Romney will win despite their best efforts to manipulate the truth, finally breaking the hold the legacy media has had on a majority of Americans since its founding.

The press will then have two ways to react–one, try to return to its original mission of trying to inform Americans so they can make honest decisions, or go the way of the tabloid press in places like Great Britain, where you have papers or outlets who identify as either liberal or conservative and leave it up to the people to pick a narrative.  I hope for the former, but expect the latter.  But at least the major networks will have outed themselves as liberal for the whole country to see and there won’t be any pretense of objectivity they can sell to the American public any longer.

ObamaCare–what it means to you

Posted in Uncategorized on July 1, 2012 by johnmwilliams

Everybody likes to talk about the macro effects of ObamaCare–the cost to the economy, the cost to the middle class, the cost to freedom and liberty.  But what does ObamaCare mean to the individual?  I think there are two possible outcomes.

First–there is no doubt that ObamaCare is the first step to government-run health care.  By mandating unpaid coverages such as contraception, testing, and other expenses, private insurance will be driven out of the marketplace or reduced to little more than a servicing industry.  The government will dictate what is covered, how much is paid, and, eventually, will take over the whole of our medical establishment.  Doctors will be government employees and patients will be at the mercy of Sarah Palin’s “death panels” that will decide whether certain procedures, medications, and treatments are economically justifiable based on one-size-fits-all parameters of quality of life standards, useful economic life (age), and other parameters that only bureaucrats and academics will have the warped imagination, time, and inclination to come up with.

The second scenario and the one I think is more likely is that a secondary market of health insurance will crop up.  Like private schools, this would necessitate people paying their tax or minimum insurance coverage in the government system, and then purchasing separate health insurance from private companies.  Canada had such a system for a short time, but found that doctors would refuse to see government-sponsored patients because of the higher pay for privately insured patients.  Canada then had to legislate “single payer” in order to legislate the private insurance industry out of existence and force everyone into the government system.  I don’t think such a move would pass muster in the US, so ObamaCare may eventually die, but it will literally cause unmitigated death and destruction to Americans, their pocketbooks, and our health care delivery system in the mean time.

So whether you’re going to belong to the bureaucrat-run, inefficient, overhead gobbling government health care system, or you’re going to pay the minimum tax and purchase your own, guess what?  YOU’RE GOING TO BE PAYING MORE…LOTS MORE…for your health care coverage.

The old and infirm in our society will be at the mercy of this behemoth.  Retirees cannot afford to purchase secondary policies and will be left at the mercy of the bureaucrats, as will the poor.  And, as usual, the middle-class will pay far more for the same coverage (or inferior coverage), it has today.

Either way, this is a boondoggle of incredible dimensions, affecting 1/6 of our economy.  We have one prayer–that Romney and Republicans will somehow carry the day in November.

The illogical and desperate defense of ObamaCare

Posted in Uncategorized on July 1, 2012 by johnmwilliams

I keep reading about the Administration still refusing to admit that ObamaCare is a tax.  This is quite a feat–because if it’s not a tax, it’s unconstitutional.  The other two arguments for it were struck down by the majority fairly briefly.  The vast majority of the opinion was spent trying to justify re-writing the Administration’s argument for them and then trying to explain the rewriting.  There’s also well-founded speculation that Roberts changed his vote at the last minute and while I haven’t seen any theories about his switch, based on the fact that he wrote the majority opinion, it’s my thought that the liberal justices and Obama Administration asked him what it would take to save their precious health care law and he told them that it would only pass as a tax.  So the left caved and allowed him to write the majority opinion, he was able to restrict future use of the Commerce and Right and Proper clauses of the Constitution, and he forced the Administration to admit that it’s about to foist the largest tax increase in the history of civilization upon the American people.

The other big lie in the Administration’s propaganda surrounding ObamaCare is that it “will only affects about 1%” of taxpayers who don’t acquire health coverage.  First, they’ve spent the last year and a half telling us that it will cover 30 million who don’t have health care.  That’s a far cry from 1% of our roughly three hundred million population and assumes that 90% (27 out of 30 million) of those who don’t have health care will now rush out and buy it.  Secondly, the requirements to acquire health care or pay the tax for not acquiring health care applies to every single American.  That a small percentage will be paying the tax in lieu of mandated insurance doesn’t make the coercion any less broad.  The government is telling you what you must do with some portion of your income regardless of whether you choose to buy the insurance or pay the tax.


Democrats can’t make up their minds regarding the Contempt vote against Holder

Posted in Uncategorized on June 29, 2012 by johnmwilliams

Some say it’s totally premature–others say it’s election-year politics.  Which is it?  Neither.  The investigation has slogged on for 16 months as the Department of Justice dragged it feet, lying for 9 months about the operation before finally coming clean and then handing over a bunch of documents redacted to the point of irrelevance to try to stall for time.  So the timing has nothing to do with Republican rush-to-judgement or electioneering–it has to do with Democratic obfuscation and stall tactics.  The Democrats have no one but this Attorney General, the Administration, and their collusion to blame for the timing of the contempt vote.

The Obamacare decision

Posted in Uncategorized on June 28, 2012 by johnmwilliams

Well, Democrats lied (what’s new?).  They sold Obamacare, emphatically, as not being a tax.  Democrats knew that passing a huge new tax on all Americans (and it will eventually involve ALL Americans) would have sealed their doom.  The job now is to make sure that everyone KNOWS this is a tax.  That’s the only thing that made it legal–Congress’ taxing authority is what the justices cited–not the commerce clause.

There will be 21 new taxes.  Twelve of those will affect families making less than $250k per year (another lie by Obama/Democrats who pretended that this was as good as a “protected class” in all their bloviating).  We have been betrayed by a whole political party and it’s imperative that everyone make it known to everyone they know–this was a fraud from the start.

If allowed to stand, this will inevitably lead to “single payer,” or government-run health care for all.  I say inevitably because there is no way for private enterprise to compete with government, especially in the face of more and more unfunded mandates (they have now been forced to cover pre-existing conditions and contraceptives with no cost passed on to the beneficiaries of those services).  Only the government through taxation can absorb those kinds of costs and Obama and the Democrats know this very well.  They will drive the private insurance industry out of business and in effect, nationalize healthcare.

On down the road, they’ll do the same thing they’ve done with Social Security and Medicare–robbing healthcare of funds in order to fund other projects and gradually squeezing quality and quantity of care–rationing–in order to keep the funds coming.  And they won’t have to answer to the taxpayers for their malfeasance, because like Social Security and Medicare, it will go to the general fund where we have no way to track it.  In effect, they’ve taken another 1/6 of the economy as a new tax without any accountability to the taxpayers.  When they eventually say the program can’t afford a coverage, we’ll have no recourse but to go home and die.

Our medical research and development that has led the world will dwindle to nothing and not only we, but the rest of the world, will suffer for it.  Advanced cures and treatments for illness and disease will be jettisoned first as “experimental”–or worse, handed out to politically connected companies while the rest go begging.

Once this process is in the hands of the government, there is no accountability or recourse available to taxpayers.

I will think on this some more, but at this point, repeal is the only way to undo this bad law.  Please–support Republicans this November.   Otherwise, our parents and our kids will suffer for it later.